Hot pink bouquet


Beautiful hot pink roses.  A refined and feminine bouquet that will make the recipient feel really special.  The beautiful roses are highlighted even more by the decorative greenery that offers an extra freshness to this bouquet.


The flowers will be delivered in a water box and in a Paeonya carrying bag

SKU: N/A Category:

These are fresh cut flowers and are perishable. Please follow care instructions in “Care in Handling” for “PAEONYA Fresh Flowers in Signature Boxes” in the PAEONYA website.

Please note that, you will get the arrangement featured unless substitution may need to be made based on season, availability of flowers or other unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances. Customer authorizes substitutions within a specific colour palette. Necessary substitutions will be at the designer’s discretion

The bouquet in the picture is a medium size(17 steams)

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