Bright the day


Spray Roses, chrysanthemums, ranunculus, tulips, stock and roses– a combination that will catch everyone’s eye. Carefully arranged, these flowers are suitable for surprising your loved ones  on a special event, also to show your gratitude to someone special.

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The shorter the stems, the longer life the flowers will have. Place the flowers away from heat and bright sunlight. Remove all leaves that may be in the water. Cut between 2-5 cm off the stem. Use a sharp knife or pruning shears for a better water absorption, cutting the stems at a 45 angle.

Please note that, you will get the arrangement featured unless substitution may need to be made based on season, availability of flowers or other unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances. Customer authorizes substitutions within a specific colour palette. Necessary substitutions will be at the designer’s discretion.

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